Sagarmatha Electronics & Information Engineering Students’ Society (SEIS)

Sagarmatha Electronics & Information Engineering Students’ Society (SEIS)

SEIS (Sagarmatha Electronics & Information Engineering Students’ Society) is an innovative and dynamic community within Sagarmatha Engineering College, dedicated to exploring the exciting realms of electronics and information engineering. By integrating cutting-edge advancements and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, SEIS aims to revolutionize the field. It offers a platform for budding engineers to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of electronics, robotics, IoT, AI and many more. Through real-world applications, workshops, and hands-on sessions, SEIS provides unparalleled field experience and equips students with the necessary skills to excel in their field of interest.

Sagarmatha Electronics & Information Engineering Students’ Society (SEIS),

Deparment of Electronics and Computer Engineering,

Sagarmatha Engineering College,

Sanepa, Lalitpur